Saturday 7 March 2015


Hi and welcome to Girly Geeks.

Let us first introduce ourselves. We are a small group of welsh girls who love everything geeky and creative. recently we ave been going to a lot of Lan parties, comic cons and other events, where we realised there wasn't really a place all girly geeks can get together and communicate.

That's where we come in. we are working on creating a website filled with interaction, games, news, projects and competitions which you can all get involved with. obviously having only just started out we have a lot of work to do in order to get this all up and running but I promise you, within the next couple of days we will have everything live and running as it should.

We would love it if you could spread the word about this brilliant little idea of ours and we hope that you subscribe to our website. 

We have set up an email address and are currently getting emails off loads of girls already signing up to this awesome community. Our little team is filled with girls that have different interests and background so there is always someone you can communicate with.


Lauren - Loves everything Marvel and DC from films to comics there is nothing this girl wont know about traditional comics!
Sam - Our all things Disney girl! From trip organiser to simple news updates on everything Disney!
Becky - Our nerdy baker! Loves making cakes cookies and decorating them accordingly. Watch out for her work!

Sarah - Here to help! All these girls are here to help with any questions you have 24/7 one of them will help you out and reply within the hour!

Our team is on call 24/7 and we are constantly looking for people to join us!
You'll be assigned your very own email address and you will be able to get followers from our subscribers list!
You'll be able to upload news from nerdy things all over the world that interests you. and upload your own trips/ projects which are relevant to the site!.
If you want to be part of the girly geeks group email us now with a reason why we should make you a part of our team! simply go to our contact us page and send us an email subjected BE PART OF THE TEAM!

Drop us an email subjecting it as JOIN THE TEAM:

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